
Welcome Fall!

Summer has come to a close and today is the autumnal equinox. For me, the clouds are beginning to part and I feel like I can breathe. Fall hasfall in New Hampshire always been the time of year that I feel my best. I'm all about the crisp breeze, changing colors, cloudier skies. No I'm not a big fan of the sun. Lol. So, cooler weather makes me happy and warmer makes me less so. As soon as September hit, I started to feel more energized.

Trying to Just Go With the Flow

Summer has been a challenging time for me for a few years now, but I vowed this summer would be different. I made a commitment to focus on my art again and it's really important to me that I follow through on that fully. But it hasn't been that easy and I have needed to adapt.

April Showers Bring May Flowers

April showers bring May flowers, but what do May flowers bring?planning ahead on my chalk wall

Pilgrims!! Lol!!!

And that was my comedy career, ladies and gentlemen!

Spring Cleaning

This month I have been contemplating spring and what it means. Feeling the season unfolding around me has me thinking about rebirth and renewal. After all, spring is the time when nature wakes from its winter slumber with a big yawn. Flowers begin blooming again and baby birds can be heard chirping for their mothers. Ahhh, the cycle of life! We are born, we grow and age, we die. This is true of all living things. Maybe that's the reason that most people get into "spring cleaning" - literally and figuratively.

Spring is in the Air

Spring has sprung! It's the time of year when many people start to emerge from their winter cocoons. March does seem to be special this year. In addition to St Patrick's Day, Easter is March 31! It's going to be a very busy March for us Irish Catholics! Lol! That may overshadow the fact that this is also One Love, 2016Women's History month. What?! You mean ANOTHER way of overlooking women?! Perish the thought! *eyeroll*

February, the Month of Love?

February is here and all thoughts turn to love...but just what kind of love? Valentine's Day is a celebration of relationships, but really it's just about intimate relationships, finding The Love of Your Life. What happens when you don't have that kind of happily ever after? I'm not looking for romance right now. I have been single for longer than I care to admit. In the past, that didn't really matter. Especially since that fateful Valentine's Day in 2013 when I found my boys - The Big Three that changed my life. Now, however, even that brings little comfort.

Still a Long Road Ahead

So, here I go again, trying to blog. On again, off again. Journaling has always been like that for me. I really do have the desire to write my thoughts. Frankly, it's good for my mental health. However, inevitably, my old companion, depression, comes in and it takes over everything.

Taking things one day at a time

"March comes in like a lion, out like a lamb."

Working on the next stage

If you read my last blog, then you know that one of the (MANY!) projects that I'm working on is a series exploring the five stages of grief. I'm currently working on "Bargaining". This piece reflects my feelings on the pandemic - caught between a rock and a hard place. When I think of bargaining in terms of grief, I think of the choice between two ugly options. Neither option is particularly good...

ICYMI: I was actually in an art show in 2020!

Welme and my 3 "Grief" babies in Sensory Overload 14, 6.20.20l, I'm going to try this again...I am back and ready to blog! Lol! A lot has changed since the beginning of the pandemic. I am still kind of finding my way - as I am sure many of you are as well. Now that 2021 is well underway, I am thinking about coming out of hibernation. However, I don't plan on doing live events, such as festivals or live painting, for awhile.

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