Welcome Fall!

Summer has come to a close and today is the autumnal equinox. For me, the clouds are beginning to part and I feel like I can breathe. Fall hasfall in New Hampshire always been the time of year that I feel my best. I'm all about the crisp breeze, changing colors, cloudier skies. No I'm not a big fan of the sun. Lol. So, cooler weather makes me happy and warmer makes me less so. As soon as September hit, I started to feel more energized.

I tendsun sparkling through fall foliage to be very sensitive to the change of seasons. And I don't just mean in my joints. I feel the change in weather very strongly. I can smell the breeze, feel the weight and texture of the air. Those kinds of feelings evoke super strong memories. Fall has an abundance of these sensory memories for me. After the heavy sense memories of summer, fall is a welcome change.

This fall has made me realize just how sensitive I am to the change. It has always been true, but now I am aware of just how much it impacts me. This year, I'm hopeful that this season will continue to rejuvenate me. I am already feeling energized and really creative. I'm going to ride that wave for as long as I can. When the summer starts to roll around again, I will be prepared. If I need to, I will be taking a summer vacation!

seeing the path forward

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