Welcome All Misfits!

Welcome to Laughing Goddess Designs!

~ aka The Land of Misfit Art ;-) ~


Welcome to Laughing Goddess Designs.....oh, wait. I guess I already said that...LOL! But, then, that pretty much sums things up! It is my mission to spread more kindness and acceptance through my work - including all imperfections or mistakes...such as repeating oneself :-P

I like mashups and opposites - blending things together in unlikely ways. That's how I am as a person - I'm made up of a lot of things blended together in unlikely ways. That's what it means to be human.

I am on a journey of self discovery and self expression. There is a well known saying, "You must be the change you want to see in the world." I believe these words to be more important now than ever before. My wish is that we all could accept one another, differences and all. I wish that emotional and mental health issues were more widely embraced and discussed. And I believe that these issues are intertwined. 

My art is how I communicate my thoughts and feelings. I am able to connect with others because they recoginze a little bit of themselves in my work. That's how conversations begin. So that is how I am trying to be the change that I wish to see. The more that we talk about what we have in common, the more that we can see that we also share the similar fears and hopes. If I can share my imperfections and fears honestly, I hope to inspire others to do the same.

What makes each of us stand apart is also what makes us beautiful. If that sounds good to you, then join my Creepy Crew. Get a front row seat for my roller coaster journey. But if your own roller coaster is already hair raising, check out some of my work - you might see a corkscrew or two that look familiar to you ;-)

Remember, we are all in this together <3



It's Time for Fall, Y'all


Ahhh! My favorite time of year is upon us! I LOVE FALL!! I may have mentioned that before. LOL! Cinnamon broomsticks are popping up, lawns are transforming into spooky graveyards and the smell of pumpkin spice is in the air. These are a few of my favorite things! <<singing in my beMe in NH in 2003st Julie Andrews's voice>>

I grew up in Massachusetts where the four seasons are very distinct. Now I live in Florida...the only real seasons are hot OR wet and hot. So I don't get the gratification that comes with the change from summer to fall. The cooler, crisp air, the leaves changing colors...yeah, none of that here. But, there is still a feeling in the air. I can't put my finger on it, but something deep inside me can feel the shift into autumn.

I have started to realize that I am sensitive to the seasons and my emotional cycles are strongly tied them. To me, fall represents the cycle of life. We are nearing the end of the year, so it's a time to honor those that came before. But as we say goodbye to the year, we are reminded of the coming of the new year when the cycle begins anew. As the flowfeeling creative and working it outers wilt and die, they return to the earth to become fertile ground for new flowers to grow. Every ending is a new beginning and so autumn calls to me and shakes me out of my summer blues. That, and Halloween is coming!!

All of this has re-lit my creative spark. I'm feeling a pep in my step and motivated to create. The Halloween vibes are making my fingers itch to draw. I'm ready to turn the page and look forward! The days of feeling stuck are behind me and I'm feeling inspired. I created a new word search and a new coloring page for my Patreon members and I started working on a new piece for an upcoming Halloween art show - stayed tuned for that!

Thank you all for coming along with me on my emotional roller coaster. Lol! Your support really helps me feel motivated to create and I appreciate you sticking by me. I'm looking forward to having more new stuff to show you, so keep on coming back!



Check This Out!!

Spring is a time of renewal and rejuvenation, so I am really working on rejuvenating my work! In addition to creating new pieces, I have many unfinished babies that need my attention. One of those babies is "Sloth" a part of a series depicting the 7 Deadly Sins. While this baby is in the final stages, it is part of a series...and I still have 6 more to go! Lol! I really love her and I'm really excited about this series. What do you think? Do you like the idea? I welcome feedback and suggestions - it helps motivate me to press on!

The 7 sins not your cup of tea? If it's a little too heavy for you, I have lots of other sweet babies that might be more your style. Check out some prints, like these and others, in my shop and give them a home. Every little bit helps me and all my little misfits - including the babies yet to come!

Misery Loves Company - Happy printOne Love print





Things are changing at Laughing Goddess Designs: The Art of Georgie Pratt. Misery and the gang are working hard to put together some fun and exciting things for you! (I'm just along for the ride! Lol!) There are lots of new projects in the works and brand new adventures in an ever changing world. More prints and originals are being added as well as lots of other fun swag. With dolls in charge, it's never boring! Join our creepy crew and you'll be in the know as soon as things are unveiled!



Oh, and please be patient and bear with us. A crazy cat lady artist and a bunch of misfit creepy cute dolls running a website is a lot like herding cats...things may not always be neat and tidy, but they sure will be interesting!