Blog entry

Working on the next stage

If you read my last blog, then you know that one of the (MANY!) projects that I'm working on is a series exploring the five stages of grief. I'm currently working on "Bargaining". This piece reflects my feelings on the pandemic - caught between a rock and a hard place. When I think of bargaining in terms of grief, I think of the choice between two ugly options. Neither option is particularly good...


Today is June 12, 2018. This day, this month, this time of means a lot of different things to me. Not all of them are happy..and still some of them are. I have so many things on my mind right now, I'm just freezing up. So I think I'm just going to let it all out. If you stick with it, great. If not, I totes understand.

Another Cartoon Break

Once again, I thought I'd take a little break from exploring Misery and Mal and post another of my little comics. *Spoiler Alert: in these little comics, Misery and Mal represent two sides of myself. I'm trying to convince myself to stay positvie...

Cartoon Break

So, I love Misery and Mal so much that I have doing doodles with them. This is important because, although I am an artist, I have never been one to doodle. My creativity has never quite worked that way. But these two little rag dolls inspire me! So, to take a little break from my heavy analysis of my creative process, I thought I'd share a few of my doodles with Misery and Mal.

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